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Differences:  Even More Importantly...

    I am one of only 3 inspectors in the entire State of Idaho that have signed a 

promising not to solicit to Real Estate Agents, their Brokers, or Mortgage Lenders etc... for business or referrals, in any way, shape, or form.  Why have only 3 Idaho Inspectors signed this pledge?  Because it is extremely difficult for an "independent" Home Inspector to survive in this business.  Think about it... when a Real Estate Agent is asked for a referral by a home-buyer... Is that Agent going to refer to them the very best inspector? One who is extremely thorough and that submits honest and lengthy reports?  You would thinks so, and you would hope so... but often, just the opposite happens.  Again, think about it... that Agent has a $10,000 or $16,000 (or whatever) commission check riding on the sale of that property.  The LAST thing that many of them want is a detailed and thorough inspection!  They call it "killing a deal".  If the home-buyer changes their mind because of what an inspection reveals, then the Agent loses their commission.  Trust me... agents know who the most honest and most thorough inspectors are.  That is why many of them refer someone they already know (from past inspections) who will not kill the deal.  This means they know which inspectors will overlook some things and will "soften" their reports.  I simply refuse to do this!

Most Home Inspectors in America spend countless hours and dollars in marketing their businesses to Real Estate Agents.  Why do most Inspectors market to Agents?  Because they want the referrals that come from those Agents!  

At least one state (Massachusetts)
has already made this practice illegal
in order to protect the homebuyer/homeseller.

Other states are considering similar measures.  In my opinion, Inspectors marketing themselves to Real Estate Agents is a HUGE conflict of interest that borders on being unethical.  For holding this opinion, I have already been targeted and blacklisted by two of America's giants in the real estate industry.  They will not refer me to their clients because I refuse to pay them for their referrals (to be on their 'preferred' list).  This also means that I am not afraid to lose their referrals, because I do not get any.  The bottom line is:  I am not tempted to write a "soft" report for fear of alienating the Agent who keeps me in business (referrals)... simply because no Agents keep me in business.  

In other words, I will give you an extremely thorough and honest report.  Many Agents try and steer their clients away from my business because I refuse to write soft reports in return for future referrals.  Clients have told me that their Agent told them I "inspect too much" (duh!).  Some said I explain too much in the report.  Others are told that I am not in their "circle", or I am not on their list of proven "preferred vendors" (meaning I did not pay them a royalty to get on their "list").  Because I work for you (not for the Agent), you will receive an in-depth, thorough, and honest report.  A report that you can trust. Here are just a few reasons why Agents referring Inspectors is a conflict of interest:

Reasons Why This is a Conflict of Interest

Please do not get me wrong... most Agents are honorable and hard-working people with one of the most difficult jobs around.  And... there are dishonest Home Inspectors, just like there are dishonest Attorneys, Plumbers, Cab Drivers, and every other profession you can think of.  Exercise caution.
The bottom line is:  you should never ask your Agent to refer a Home Inspector to you.  Always, always hire your own Home Inspector.  Go to any search engine and type in the keywords:  "Boise Home Inspector" (or the city of your choice).  Select several that are displayed and compare them.  Make an educated choice, and hire an Inspector that will work for you...
not one that will work for your Agent.

The nation's top home inspectors work independently of real estate sales agents.
They do not rely on salespeople for inspection business or for referrals.
You will not find their brochures in any real estate sales office.
Independent inspectors understand the inherent conflict of interest
between the sales process and the inspection process.
Independent inspectors do not have to worry about "saving the deal"
to ensure future referrals from Real Estate Agents.

For more information please visit:

Independent Home Inspector Logo

Without integrity, honest impartiality, and frankness,
I believe that the home inspection industry
can not truly serve the clients that seek our services.

Our "clients" are the home buyers, sellers, and owners...  
NOT the Agents, the Brokers, or the Mortgage Lenders

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I adhere to the NACHI Standards of Practice
as well as the IHINA and the NACHI Code of Ethics

NACHI Standards of Practice

IHINA Code of Ethics

NACHI Code of Ethics

Proudly Serving the Following Counties:
Ada, Adams, Boise, Canyon, Gem, Payette, Valley, and Washington

Oxbow Home Inspections • PO Box 4296 Boise, ID 83711 • 208.781.0605

Troy Farmer: Owner/Inspector • E-Mail:

© 2007- 2009 Oxbow Home Inspections and Radon Testing, LLC